Discounts for Disabled Passengers on Trains in Austin, Texas

Amtrak offers a 10% discount on train fares for adult passengers with disabilities. Capital Metro provides reduced rates for those who meet the requirements, and there are also free or low-cost options for travel assistance and food or food delivery services.

Discounts for Disabled Passengers on Trains in Austin, Texas

Amtrak offers a 10% discount on the train fare to adult passengers with disabilities. Passengers with special needs traveling on Downeaster trains (Boston) have more options to get to their destination. Capital Metro provides reduced rates for those who meet the requirements, and there are also free or low-cost options for travel assistance and food or food delivery services. The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) welcomes all passengers, including those with disabilities, and strives to provide accommodation to all its customers.

ASTA operates historic railway equipment and the construction of the equipment limits accessibility. A wheelchair lift is available that can accommodate most wheelchairs and motorized chairs and lift them and their occupants from the boarding platform to the front doors of railway cars. The maximum width of the front doors is 27 inches. The program seeks opportunities to improve our airport for passengers with mobility and accessibility needs, as well as those with visible and invisible disabilities. From garages to ticket desks to boarding gates, the services we offer at AUS are intended to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all our passengers.

If a passenger cannot move from a chair to one of the car seats, you must notify ASTA in advance, as there are limited areas where a wheelchair passenger can be accommodated, and you must call to make the necessary arrangements.

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